This weekend, Will's parents took us to Medieval Times to celebrate his birthday. He always wanted to go, so this was his year! We had a great time eating with our hands and cheering on the yellow knight.
Tomato Bisque (Dragon Blood Soup)
Roasted Chicken (Baby Dragon)
Spare Rib (Dragon Brain)
Pastry of the Castle
Two rounds of Coke products
As the waitress was passing out the items and explaining the dragon-related names, someone down the way asked what she called the bread item. She curtly answered, "Its garlic bread!"
There were sword fights, jousting and Andalusians on parade. Also, there was a pretty elaborate dressage demonstration.
Tonight, we are celebrating Will's birthday by getting snowed in, it seems. Most of the commutes are over two hours now, so home seems good! I made a butter cake with German Chocolate icing, so the kitchen smells great and it seems like the perfect night to read or crochet.
Also, Happy Birthday to Elisa tomorrow!
Giant tree in the Great Hall (a.k.a. giftshop stocked with swords).
Cool ceiling decor.
Will and his parents.
The MC.

Will enjoying his frozen margarita out of his souvenir stein.
The King and Princess aloft.
Last year, I was very proud to show Will the wreath I made. He said, " Since when are we Jewish?" It hadn't even crossed my mind then I picked out the materials at the craft store.
...and it begins.
Who cares if the wreath is blue and white? It's pretty.
And I'm glad you guys had fun this weekend!
He doesn't really care. It was more of an observation that had not occurred to me. The landlords might be confused, though.
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